Sunday, January 5, 2014


Today was day two of Weight Watchers, and I love it. I am still eating healthy but I feel in control and less obsessive when I track my points. I do Weight Watchers online, and I also keep a written journal. I can look up healthy recipes and stay on track. I believe this is just what I needed to sustain my weight loss and get to my goal.

This is a busy week. I am working out with Mike on Tuesdays and Thursdays for now. I am doing yoga on my other days and getting some additional cardio by walking and running. My 5k is around the corner and I need to get busy. I may even do an Iyengar class on Tuesdays and Thursdays after my workouts.

It was a long day, so this is a short yet sweet post. I have a lot to do, planning the next charities and the weight loss and fitness part my journey. I also have to decide which item of my fitness bucket list I should tackle this month. This means I must get some sleep, so bed by nine for me tonight. I find I cannot function with less than eight hours. The last week my sleep pattern was  completely off, so I plan to start this week off with some beauty slumber.

Wishing you love and light.

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